Saturday, January 24, 2009

TalTECH Has Moved

Armaments superstore TalTECH has moved to a larger location (SLurl) and golly it is nice! Three Wonder Chairs are still giving out some nice guns (SLurl) and, according to the official announcement, there are more goodies that you'll find interesting, such as Profile Picks contest that could net you L$500 every two weeks. Here is some of their announcement note:

"This store already has a larger collection available than the old store in Galleria and we have added a garden to relax in and a 7Seas fishing area, so please visit us and check them out."

"Save up to 50% off of selected items from the following brands between Saturday 24th and 1pm SLT on Saturday 31st, these items are in the main enterance of the store ..." See details in the store.

"On Wednesday the 28th and Saturday 31st at Noon SLT, the top three scorers on the ranges available in the firing range will win their choice of either cash prizes or a firing range. That makes total prices worth 13500L$ in Lindens or 39540L$ in firing ranges!" Again, details are in the store. Then again, don't bother going because I don't shoot so good and I wanna win. We need a shooting range at Lesbos.