Every now and then I post about the Midnight Mania at Neon Frog and the sculpty animals it usually features. Starting today, 160 slaps will get all the participants a 12-prim camel. I've been lucky enough to get all the animals that have been offered but for the Zebra. It seems that one never locks and is put up for only a couple days when others manage to hang out for a week at a time, locking several times. What do people have against Zebras?
Anyway, drop by Neon Frog (SLurl below) and slap the board but look around the store, too. There are a lot of nice things to see and buy ... right, buy. I know what it is like to not have money and to live on Freebies, but remember that if we want to keep nice prizes in these boards and chairs and such, we need to support the merchants. Without them we'd be naked and hairless and sleeping on plywood.
And, yes, I compose my pictures mostly to show off my butt. If you had this butt, you would, too.
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