Monday, August 4, 2008

Alazarin's Freebie Treehouses

Not long after I started in Second Life™ my brother set aside a basic 512m2 lot for me from all the land he owned and took me to Alazarin's to get a free treehouse (I'd always wanted one). So when a new friend wanted a treehouse for her rental lot in FurNation I took her to the same place (SLurl).

The store has changed in the last couple years and a new treehouse has been added, the "Alazarin's Big Free TreeHouse." He also has a nifty collection of other freebies, too. Some you'll find elsewhere but many you won't. By the way the smaller treehouse (the "Novella 512 Free," pictured here) comes with all kinds of extra goodies like a long-distance (more than 300m) teleporter and a ton of textures.

She's furnishing them with freebies we found at Sn@tch (SLurL), though I could have given most of them to her. Most are reboxed "Hobo" freebs by Arcadia Asylum and available from her little shop (SLurl).


Kira McCallen said...

Can't go wrong with a free treehouse!! Thanks!!!