Thursday, November 20, 2008

Off Brand Furniture - Camp Item/Profile Pick Award/Freebies

I love a nice free box. As you drop into Off Brand Furniture the first thing you'll see is a box sitting at the entrance. Don't panic! They aren't moving out, I think it's just a shipment that they haven't unpacked yet. Grab this box for 0L. It sits two and the top spot has two different poses in it. Very cute!!
free box

How do you relax? I like to do it in a small tub with a few of my closests friends and some watermelons. So imagine my delight to find that Off Brand Furniture also has this melon cooler out as a camp item. Enter the shop and to the left is a sign with the melon cooler on it. Touch it and camp for 10 minutes. Easy.
Melon Cooler
AND you're not done yet!! Put the shop in your picks, then return 24-48 hours later, touch the tree stump sign and get a pressy!! It's cute tree stump that fits 3 avies, the book is included in the pose, it's so clever. And the texture under the tree stump can be changed to match your landscape. love this!
tree stump
There's a few more freebie/cheapies in here. Also, the furniture is well made and very reasonably priced. While you're camping take a few minutes to look around, nice things!!