Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bare Rose : Lost Kittens Hunt

This is my first attempt at a Lucky Kitty Crew blog entry, so please be gentle! Bare Rose VIPs get access firston Wednesday, then two days later it opens to the public.

With this hunt you TP to the Prologue point and follow the instructions to adjust the audio visual settings on your viewer's Preferences window. Why? Because you have to listen for a mewing kitten. The Prologue has an example of the kitten you're looking for, without any goodies inside. You click the ad board for your first notecard, check your Preferences are right and then TP to Chapter 1. The kittens are big enough to spot fairly easily and it's a case of reading the chapter for the clue and then moving your avie around until you hear the kitten mewing. You then home in on the mews until you find it.

You left click to buy the item for L$0 and the goodies are inside with the next Chapter for the next location.
I liked the gift inside the kitten I found and there was one for both female and male hunters.
Over all...a clever and amusing hunt and the best one I've ever seen. I've been avoiding hunts for months so it says something when I want to go back and finish it.

Just an add on as well, the prize consists of a unique outfit only available in this hunt for guys and girls. If you decide to do the additional hunt you will also be gaining a hat and tiny cat (as featured above) avatar. Please stay tuned if you're in BareRose VIP to get your notecard for your start. ^^