Tonight at 8pm SLT at BareRose there's going to be a Military EGL event, for attending you get this outfit I'm modelling below. Hope to see you there. ^^

What if Lolis ran the world? Do you think military uniforms would be cuter? Adorable dress uniforms with lace? Combat fatigues with petticoats? Dare we dream? Come and join us on the 24th of June in Club Blackbone and wear your interpretation of a Lolita or Aristocrat Military uniform (if you include weapons in your wardrobe, please make sure not to use them, non scripted would be the best to avoid accidents). We will have trivia, perhaps about military style anime and video games. We will have great music as provided by Colonel Serenity Semple of the Bare@Rose DJ Birgade. There will be the legal lottery ball. We will have the best male and female contests, for the best Military Uniform in EGL or EGA style.
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