A very cute and fun gridwide hunt has begun on 20 japanese stores. Pretty much you're catching shooting stars for your prize and then taking the LM in the folder to the next one. Find the particle shooting star trail and say /7 Catch by it, try to time it right to get the prize. The prizes are worth it and the stores are cute. Best of Luck! ^^
shooting star huntJune 1st - June 15th
hunt start shop LM
what shooting hunt?This hunt doesn't look for the item. This hunt catch the moving light. If light approaches you, you will say. say "/7 catch"And, you can get the item of the shop and LM of the next shop. :)Catch is good at light by many people. You should not wait one's turn. However, you approach light and say. /7 catch
(このハントはアイテムを探して0LでBUYするものではありません。各店舗に動く光のオブジェが設置されていますのでその光が自分のところに来た時、もしくは自分から近寄りチャットで/7 catch(スラッシュ7半角スペースcatch)と言いましょう。うまくいけば光からアイテムと次の店のLMを貰う事ができます。獲得した商品はフォルダで送られてきます。
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