Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Violet! & Happy Halloween!

Big Happy Birthday to Violet Voltaire! A lovely lady and big supporter of teh crew, yo. Hehe, to celebrate she made this wicked Cupcake Crown - which will be a dollarbie this weekend only! Here are those wicked new Cupcake releases!

Close up on the cute cupcake crown! How can you resist!? (Don't resist, it's alright, it's made of sugar and luvluv) Plus there's also a 50% off sale on all cupcake thingies.

And because Violet is freakin awesome! She made throwable freeb cupcakes and you can OM NOM them too! :D

Hehe I actually caught a snappy of the B-Day girl while she took a rest from flingin cupcakes at me. XD Ya can already see some cute cupcake wear on her!

So rush down this weekend ASAP to get some sweet gifts and sweet sales going on! And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Violet! \o/

Click here to Teleport to Violet Volitare's Shop!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

1000 in the Crew & A Gift For You!

So today we finally hit 1000 crew members, I am so happy about this that this totally deserves a post. BUT!! Just when I thought that it couldn't get better then this - BAM!

What's this you ask?! It's amazing! It's wonderful! Too bad it doesn't slice and dice! It's the Lucky Kitty Crew group gift giver, you click it with yer tag active to get an amazing broom by Mixed Nuts & TorTec. As Sandie Bing (Mixed Nuts owner) wears it proudly.

So what does it do? Well this is directly copy/pasted from the notecard it comes with to give you an idea.

Q. Features? What's it got ?
A. 1. Trailing magic dust particles when on the move
2. Dual animation states, one for on the move, other for chillin

Q. Anything else? What defines this as being a smexy Kitty Crew speciality?
A. This is a Pro-Kitty sisterhood broom, united and proud.
The broom contains a custom greeting script, when a fellow kitty TPs nearby other kitties in the area will greet the new commer with a custom kitty animation and sound kindly donated by Polomi Oh of OSU Gestures
This greeting can be turned on/off by clicking the broom and using the drop down menu.

So run! Don't walk to Mixed Nuts and TorTec (It's on Mixed Nuts floor though so need to go upstairs) And a wonderful warm thank you from my heart to all you crew for all your support. ^^

Click HERE to teleport to Mixed Nuts/TorTec and the Lucky Kitty Crew Group Gift!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bare Rose's "I'm Home" Set

Bare Rose has a unique "furniture" set called I'm Home (SLurl). It is actually an outfit of clothing in several colors, too. The idea is that you lay down prims in the set to look like you've shed your clothes and then tiredly laid down. A cute B&W tank bra and several sets of undies are in the package, too, unless you want to lay butt-nekkid (Censored not included).

No, it is not free, but I think it is well worth the $140 I spent. And at 19 prims to display the whole set it might not be for everyone. Very, very clever.

Ronin Outfit on Samurai Island

Ayame Musashi's shop on Samurai Island (SLurl) has a free "Ronin Outfit" for men and women in the corner. Stop looking at my butt in this picture and you can see the outfit on the vendor. Sword not included.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DDJ Skin Item Camp

Lalala makin myself pretties!

Or Am I!? Actually I've been sitting here for the past 180 mins for this really cute skin item camp at DDJ Designs. Here's the picture of the skin (no you won't ever catch me human in public unless I'm drunk.....really drunk...)

So to all the kitties - "Look Pretty!" XD

Click HERE to teleport to DDJ Designs Item Camp!

Simbolic Translator

The Simbolic Translator has been featured in past group notices but folks keep submitting it to Serenity for posting anyway. Why? It is simple, it works well, and it is free. Go get yours now at Tragix Wilder's store (SLurl) and maybe leave a donation for all his hard work. This unit works at least as well as others selling for L$200 or more and better than many that are much more expensive. An example is that this is one of the few freebies that actually checks for updates and asks for them when available.

Violet Volitaire's Lucky Chair & Creepiness!

So the moment I heard Violet released a new set for sale I couldn't help myself! I rushed off and picked up the Halloween Trick or Treat jewelry set for L$200! ^^ There are other really nice sets too but I'm all about those little candy corns on that cupcake there for the orange set!

If you didn't know there's also a really adorable pumpkin crown for L$50 upstairs too. (I still need to pick that up...jeez I'm slow XD)

But the really sweet treat that made my eyes go wide was the new halloween lollipop guild set in the chair! I'm still hopin to win!!

So yeah still waitin and Kretchy came by to keep me company and there's also many others watchin this chair too. If you're wondering about this adorable outfit I'm wearing you can win it at BareRose for free from their lucky chair or lucky fortune machine. ^^

Click HERE to teleport to Violet Volitaire's Shop & Lucky Chair!

Click HERE to teleport to BareRose!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bare Rose Prize Winner

[20:47] ::: BareRose ::: Raffle Item Orb shouts: performance2 Tester has just won a ::: B@R ::: Camo Pants just for being here!

Any avatar with the last name Tester is a 'bot, a resident controlled by artificial intelligence, not by a human at a keyboard. Well, not always. Torley Tester is an account run by Torley Linden and his intelligence isn't likely artificial. However, the performance series are automatons that roam the grid testing performance. You may see them attach a torch or a popgun before sinking into the ground.

Or you may see them be random enough to win a prize at Bare Rose.

Shoooooeees! (Free Pumps from Truth)

Lucky Kitty Lanie Recreant turned up some FREE Balmoral Pumps at Truth (SLurl)! Thanks, Lanie!

Freebies in Ginza

Lovely Hearts (SLurl) has some nice free tattoos. I ran across these when I was exploring after checking on a previously posted freeb and writing about it for my blog.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Um, Hi. Why are you all staring at me?

One helluva Lucky Chair Orgy at :::LittleBird Nation:::

Several different skins in this lucky chair. No wildcards though, sorry. :-(

-Kira McCallen

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lucky Kitty Crew Descends Upon Aqua Shop Gonbe

See all the madness on Kira's Flickr page. Suffice it to say, it was a fun time. And we all had plenty of feesh to eat. Nom nom nom.

Come hit up the Lucky Board at Aqua Shop Gonbe to get your free halloween penguin trea... I mean... pet!

-Kira McCallen

Nom on Penquin, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.

Silver Skin Item Camp at iTuTu

Group Item Camp for silver skin at iTuTu.

-Kira McCallen

Midnight Mania!

Freaking awesome new Shep Korvin product out there, Midnight Mania! You just have to touch the board before Midnight, and then Hustle all your friends in to touch the board too! If you reach the required number of people, you ALL win the gift at Midnight.

Here is a list of known Midnight Mania boards:
Angel's Designs - Happy Halloween outfit
Design Inc - Design Inc Modern Chaise (pink)
Eolande's - Blue India Bangle Bracelets
Fnordian Furniture & Magic Items - Fnordian Magickal Crown
LapGirl Boutique - Purple Blossom Lingerie set
LowPrim High Style - Candles Set
Lucky Designs - Pink Gingham Bikini from LapGirl
LVS&Co - Special Midnight Halloween Dollie
RIPPED!!! - Feather Slut Silks
Serina Lacava Collection - (3 prizes) SLC hot sexy girl red, SLC Anastasia girl, and SLC Shirt & Pullunder Olli boy
S&M Designs - Rhapsody in Aquamarine

This Post is a Work-In-Progress. Let me know if you found another one, because I'll add it to the list.

-Kira McCallen

Saturday, October 11, 2008

FreeSoul Designs - Summer Girl

Previously Blogged about this deal here.

This Complete Outfit is free from FreeSoul Designs for putting them into your profile picks! Super Sweet!

-Kira McCallen

Nice Scarf at DP Yum Yum

Nice Scarf at DP Yum Yum, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.

This Lovely Scarf, perfect for decorating those unsightly head holes, can be yours from one of 2 lucky boards at DP Yum Yum!

-Kira McCallen

Ohhhh The Funny Things these Lucky Chairs say!

Ever seen a row of lucky chairs spell out something funny? Here's the place to deposit your hilarious lucky chair photos. Just send your photo to, along with the name of the store, and I'll post em! Without further Ado...

From the Lucky Chairs at Solange:

Funny Lucky Chair - NO, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.

Funny Lucky Chair - BJ, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.

TinkFairy Shop - Freebies and Cheapies!

Serensei gave group notice credit to Kretch Slade on this find.

Welcome to TinkFairy!

When I arrived I was greeted by two panda bears who give out gifts when touched.

Snapshot_001, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.
There are two freebie boxes inside the store, "Touch" them to receive a really nice freebie gift. I thought I was all done after I had clicked the two boxes, and bought a couple nice cheap things. But then I ran into the store owner, Tinkfairy Greenwood, who helpfully let me know that I didn't get all the freebies! (Isn't she cute?)
Snapshot_003, originally uploaded by Kira McCallen.
The boxes are scripted to give out 1 of 3 gifts randomly. You'll have to click more than 1 time to get all three out of the pink box.

And all three out of the blue box.

Ohh, and there's these fabulous clothes.

Really nice Argyle Sweater, only... wait does that say L$12 ????


-Kira McCallen

Kira is Wearing:
Skin - TinkFairy Natural Skin Pink (Not free)
Hair - Kin Naoki in White (Not Free, but I'm addicted, what can I say?)
Shirt - TinkFairy Knit Argyle #2 (L$12)
Pants - TinkFairy Check Pants A01 (Not sure, but it was cheap)
Belt - Gift from TinkFairy! (Free)
Shoes - Yabusaka Halloween Boots (Not Free)

Quick Witch Broom Picks

A search of XstreetSL (formerly SLex) shows quite a few witches brooms and I picked these as the nicer ones (click each pic to go to the item).

Halloween Freebies & Cheapies

Black Butteryfly (SLurl) has a cute pumpkin with paw cutout for free at the front of the store. Also there is a more standard face pumpkin, also free, a couple nice tank tops for L$10 each.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Neko Dollarbie

Thanks, Midori, for finding this great Dollarbie! Neko hair, skin, eyes, ears, tail, shape, and collar at Kalon (SLurl) for L$1! The skin looks pretty 'human' in this pic, said Serenity (and I agree). I would have spent the money just for the fun of it anyway, based on the high-quality picture.

But when you put it on you'll see black/orange lipstick and a spider tatt on the cheek definitely make this a holiday skin. Heavy, smeared eyeshadow and liner complete the anatomically correct skin. The hair and kitty bits are great with orange accents.

What is really, really cool, is that the set is packaged in a Halloween "snow globe" ... cool! Move all the contents to your inventory but leave the ghost texture and particle script inside and you have a great holiday decoration! This alone is worth the money. More, actually!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Loco Pocos Halloween

If you haven't been to Loco Pocos (SLurl) for the Halloween hunt yet, I gotta ask Why Not? This is lots of fun and you can win a L$350-value avatar (two actually ... one male one female ... both ferrets, I'm told) as well as take home a pumpkin-load of candy! So when you arrive, look for the ghostly pumpkin and click on it to be taken to the hunt.

When you arrive there are some very good pictograph signs telling you what to do. One of the signs directs you to change your Environment Settings to Midnight. That really enhances the experience and since you are not looking for tiny thing you don't need the bright midday sun. And turn the volume up. The sound effects are cool.

So 'wear' the pumpkin you are given and head down the street. As you get candy the pumpkin will fill up! Really fun to watch. If you knock on doors where "no one is home" something interesting sometimes happens, but you'll want to knock on the doors that have lighted windows with them. These are the "game" doors.

After you knock on a door you are given a choice Trick or Treat. Click either one, it doesn't matter which one. After a three-second count down you will get some candy, a special toy, or a key to a chest that gives out the avatar prize. Or you'll get a trick! Different things happen if you don't get the candy and when the effect stops you can try the door again. Click either Trick or Treat, again it doesn't matter which one.

Take all the candy you want. It is transferable and makes a nice little gift. The non-food prizes are not transferable. This picture shows me with pumpkin full of candy, a Candy Corn Ice Lolly in my mouth, and the hint of a Candy Corn Backpack in front of a door rewarding me with something other than candy.

The path takes you on a loop shaped like a backwards letter P and you can go around as many times as you want. My alt got 1/3 of the way through before winning a key to get the avatar. My main avatar spent a few hours in the little village and got only cavities from all the candy.

Here is the avie called Freida (the male is Freddy) in all her glory ... naked. Clothes are L$100 per item with accessories starting L$100. If you look in the tiny camp hut before you go into the main store you can get a free Baby Monitor that looks more or less like a mobile phone.

Freak Boutique Lucky Fortune

So I was headed to Freak Boutique to check out some outfits and happened upon a lucky fortune machine! And the prize was too sweet to pass up on! ^^

This outfit has it all! If you get too frusterated you can buy it for L$500. It comes with the outfit, notebook typing anim overrider, shoes, earrings, pretty much the works! It's so cute! ^^ Serensei must study furthur now about these lucky fortunes, best of luck to you all!

Click here to tp to the Freak Boutique Lucky Fortune Machine!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Isle of Lesbos Hunt: Halloween Devil Kitties

The Isle of Lesbos 2008 Halloween Prize Hunt started today!!!

This year's hunt is focused on fun. Three squads of Devil Kitties have been sent to the Isle and if you find them they have to give a present to you. Well, not all of them. Some will rudely run away. Simply touch any Devil Cat to see if you get a prize or not.

Ten prize-giving Devil Cats are on the Isle of Lesbos main sim (SLurl) and may occasionally be moved about. Men who wish the prizes from the Isle may contact Uccello Poultry. These are mostly handbags, backpacks, and pets (kinda).

Five Devil cats give Halloween Bear prizes in a haunted maze on the Isle of Lesbos Mall Sim (SLurl) . Just use the teleporter near the Halloween Hunt sign to enter the maze. Your goal is to reach the Southwest corner from the entrance, avoiding monsters and snagging prizes along the way. To really enjoy the maze, change your Environment Settings to Midnight and crank the volume.

This hunt is sponsored by the Security Team at the Isle of Lesbos! Please say 'Hi!' or give a hug when you see any of our girls. Tips are appreciated but your kindness is more important.